Our Services

Fertility Support offers individuals and couples therapy sessions as well as group therapy and retreats. Our services focus on three aspects: Relieve individuals’ and couples’ emotional difficulties through psychotherapy, normalise feelings through group therapy and learn about specific concerns through one-day retreats.

Individual Therapy

Individual psychotherapy sessions can help clients who are dealing with powerful emotions associated with fertility and gynaecological concerns; emotions which need one-on-one support and a confidential space.  Individual sessions are also beneficial for those who are in couples therapy and want to make sense of their own thoughts and feelings individually.

Couples Therapy

Through a fertility journey, there may be instances where the couple’s dynamic is challenged by conflicting views, differing emotional responses, different backgrounds, or communication difficulties. In these situations, couples therapy may be beneficial. During these sessions couples can explore their emotions, process grief together, consider options together, and explore a way forward.

We offer virtual group therapy to help individuals process and consider issues such as parenthood, pregnancy loss, IVF, and male infertility. These groups offer participants an opportunity to meet others who are experiencing similar issues. Group conversations help normalise emotions, concerns and questions whilst also helping participants feel less isolated. They help participants feel supported and reassured from hearing each other’s perspectives in a compassionate and understanding space.

Our therapeutic groups are different to traditional support groups. For more information, please read our article Therapy Groups vs. Support Groups.

More information about group therapy


Fertility Support offers retreats focused on a specific issue such as IVF or egg freezing. These London-based retreats bring together expert advisors who can answer questions the topic at hand as well as relevant themes such as nutrition, relaxation techniques, among other. More importantly, these retreats offer time and space to consider the emotions that an IVF or egg freezing process may bring and techniques to cope with them.

IVF Retreat